

An Italian monthly magazine, founded, managed and edited by Frank Zappa's friend Massimo Bassoli. The best years were 1982/87, when Tuttifrutti had a pocket format. Ceased in December 2000.

1982 November

Vol. 1 No. 1

By Massimo Bassoli, pp 10-25

Buona fortuna

Non si poteva inaugurare una nuova rivista meglio di cosi.
Frank Zappa, il maestro, ormai a furor di popolo. Usa dire: “nulla ha mai funzionato bene nella mia vita” e lo possiamo capire. Ma la determinazione, la caparbiet la voglia di non farsi fregare dalla stupidità circostante gli hanno sempre permesso d’imporsi. E possiamo capire anche questo. Di certo sappiamo di essere partiti col piede giusto. Grazie!

Zitto e ascolta

Con un personaggio del genere, le parole sono superflue. Non c’è bisogno di dire molto.
La sua opera parla da sola. Una movimentata ed affollatissima tournée che l’ha visto protagonista in Italia l’estate scorsa, ha dato modo a tutti di cogliere il valore dell’artista, mai parco di sorprese. Sono in arrivo 5 cofanetti contenenti 7 album ognuno, provenienti dai suoi vecchi nastri finalmente riavuti indietro una volta vinta la storica causa con la Warner. E poi una sorpresa speciale per l’Italia, che per lui rappresenterà l’omaggio al proprio paese d’origine che lo ha ospitato per due settimane.
Aspettate e vedrete.
Intanto noi gli abbiamo dato le chiavi della nostra rivista. Lui ha varcato la soglia per primo molto volentieri.
Ma i prossimi sarete voi.

Source: slime.oofytv.set 

1983 April

Vol. 2 No. 6

Frank Zappa "10 c Rare Meat"
By Massimo Bassoli, p 100

 Automatic translation: We immediately clarify that this is not a new album by Zappa, but the umpteenth attempt to exploit the curiosity generated by a known and appealing name like ours. This record operation certainly will not make Zappa happy who will not get a penny, but who above all will see a product of almost zero value run in his own name. (read more)


Source: Fulvio Fiore

1983 August

Vol. 2 No. 10

On the back cover is Frank Zappa and the issue included four cards of David Bowie, Frank Zappa, Duran Duran and AC/DC.

Source: Fulvio Fiore

1984 July

Vol. 3 No. 21

Frank Zappa
Interview by S. Gunn, pp 18-23

Automatic translation: On a sunny May day, just for a change, I go to see Zappa who, lying in sensational Bermuda shorts and a T-shirt, is messing around in the studio that he had built right next to his house. (read more)

1985 January

Vol. 4 No. 27

Frank Zappa "The Perfect Stranger"
By Massimo Bassoli, p 93

 Automatic translation: As promised, here is the disc of music that Boulez commissioned from Zappa for his own orchestra. The great French conductor conducted them a year ago in Paris in the presence of the author who was not exceptionally impressed by the rhythm that the French orchestra professors managed to keep. Back in America our Frank, as usual, started to manipulate the tapes, this time with the help of his new computer, renamed Barking Pumpkin Digital Gratification Consort for the occasion. (read more)

Source: Fulvio Fiore

1985 June 6

Vol. 1 No. 10

Zappa's picture in article "Rock Follies"

 Automatic translation: Rock'n'roll, as we know, has always scrambled in ambiguous environments between sex, drugs and eccentric "vices". Part of his rebellious charge was also in this. The record industry, although in the hands of "managers" far from revolutionary, has always indulged (or pretended not to see) the oddities and the slightly crazy "entertainment" of the super-stars. It was only, of course, a question of money: how could record companies condemn those who filled their coffers with the sale of records? In these images, that TUTTIFRUTTI has collected for you, some exhilarating and unprecedented moments of this strange marriage between anarchy and industry.  

Source: Fulvio Fiore

1988 June

Vol. 7 No. 69

Diavolo o diavolo?
By Katia Natola, pp 26-30, 32
Il fenomeno del predicatore
By Patrizio Nissirion, p 31
Un serio figlio de papà
By Katia Natola, pp 32-35

Interview with Frank Zappa, article on tele-evangelists, interview with Dweezil Zappa plus Guitar album review and full page ad.

Source: slime.oofytv.set 

Arguing the relative merits of "baby murder" versus church-sponsored "fetal life insurance policies" misses the point. The real question is "WILL AMERICA BECOME A PRO-CHOICE NATION OR A NO-CHOICE NATION"? (read more)

This letter was published in English and Italian under common italian title "Sulla questione dell aborto negli Stati Unite".


1991 June

No. 105

Dweezil Zappa "Confessions"
By PDR, 1 p


Source: Fulvio Fiore

1994 February

Vol. 13 No. 137

Frank Zappa: Genio Della Musica
By Massimo Bassoli (?), pp 1-16 (28-43)

Source: slime.oofytv.set