Ciao Big
In November 1967 Big merged with Ciao Amici and was renamed to Ciao Big. In January 1969 Ciao Big was closed. Shortly thereafter, from the ashes of Ciao Big the music magazine Ciao 2001 was born.
Il complesso californiano dei Mothers of Invention è arrivato
a Londra per una serie di concerti, il primo dei quali è stato
dato alla Royal Albert Hall il 23 settembre. In quella occasione
i musicisti americani, guidati da Frank Zappa, sono stati affiancati
dall'Orchestra Filarmonica dì Londra e da un coro di quaranta
Automatic translation: The Californian Mothers of Invention ensemble has arrived in London for a series of concerts, the first of which was given at the Royal Albert Hall on 23 September. On that occasion, the American musicians, led by Frank Zappa, were joined by the London Philharmonic Orchestra and a choir of forty children.
Source: Fulvio Fiore
Grande successo a Londra del complesso californiano dei Mothers
of Invention, che hanno dato alcuni concerti dagli incassi record.
Il leader del gruppo, Frank Zappa, si è dichiarato soddisfatto
delle accoglienze ricevute ed ha promesso che farà di tutto
per tornare ancora in Inghilterra. Il sound psichedelico dei
Mothers of Invention ha conquistato i giovani hippies inglesi,
che hanno portato in trionfo Zappa per le vie di Londra ed hanno
gettato petali di rose sulla sua strada.
Automatic translation: Great success in London by the Californian group of the Mothers of Invention, which gave some concerts with record sales. The leader of the group, Frank Zappa, declared himself satisfied with the welcome received and promised that he will do everything to return to England again. The psychedelic sound of the Mothers of Invention won over the young English hippies, who carried Zappa in triumph through the streets of London and threw rose petals on his way.
Source: Fulvio Fiore
Automatic translation: Frank Zappa, head of the «Mothers of Inventions» complex, pursues the aim of «despising the public in order to wake them up». He says of himself: «I am so repellent that it would be better not to show myself to people so as not to scare them ...». The lyrics of the songs are so gory that the record company refuses to print them on the album cover. (read more)
Source: Fulvio Fiore
Translated article "Frank Zappa - the Hitler of song, says Eric" from Record Mirror, December 16, 1967.
Source: Fulvio Fiore
Automatic translation: Here, finally, also in Italy a record of the Mothers of Invention, the controversial American ensemble headed by the provocative Frank Zappa. (read more)
Source: Fulvio Fiore
1968 December 6
Vol. 4 No. 38
Le mordaci invenzioni
delle Mothers di Zappa
(The biting inventions of Zappa's Mothers)
By ?, p 71
Automatic translation: For the second time, Frank Zappa and his Mothers of Invention baffled the British with their music and, above all, with their nonconformist shows. Suffice it to say that, in their satires on the current American system of life and education, Zappa and his eight collaborators improvised biting sketches and also assumed female roles! (read more)
Source: Fulvio Fiore