Guchnomovets – Гучномовець


Guchnomovets (Loudspeaker) was a samizdat underground paper published in Kiev by Tatiana Yezhova in 1988-1991, six issues in total. Guchnomovets, like most samizdat of that time, was printed on a typewriter through a carbon copy. Pages were placed in binders, and materials were supplemented with pasted photographs. The result was a circulation of 20 copies, which were distributed to the organizers of rock festivals, TV people, colleagues in rock samizdat in exchange for their press. Further, the specimens were sent on "free voyage". They were reprinted, rewritten and copied. (Amnesia)

1988 April

Issue 1


ZAPPAрожье или Родина панков (ZAPPArozhye or Homeland of punks)
By Rock Gang (Рок Артель), pp 26-27

Article on music festival in city Zaporozhye in February 1988. Contains some funny stories.

Day two became the day of mobilization. A bold hypothesis was put forward about the origin of the city's name. As the people of Kiev said – Zaporozhye is inextricably linked with the name of Frank Zappa, "better known for his" extravagant twists "than music." Thus, the historical contribution of the Cossacks to rock culture was determined, and the "assessors" and the tusovka were filled with a patriotic impulse, preparing for battle under the banner of Zappa.

The second concert "Assessor" played powerfully. The united party frolicked with might and main. The directors were also involved (A. Kovzhun – director of the group "Collegiate Assessor" and V. Ivanov – director of the group "VV"), who read through the loudspeaker (Guchnomovets) "instructions on how to perceive the group" Collegiate Assessor ". [...]" The directors urged listeners to "keep the hall in disorder," etc. etc. In short, old man Frank would happy – it was rock and roll! 


The best of Guchnomovets including this article was later in 1992 reprinted in much nicer format as Guchnomovets-Collection by another Russian underground paper in city Omsk - ORZ (ОРЗ), №2(7), 1992.