
VIP is a mens magazine founded in 1981. The magazine differs from Playboy for having more journalistic content and showing half-naked rather than totally naked women. (wikipedia)

2016 September

Vol. 35 No. 9 Issue 378


Da fama ao caos: o legado de Frank Zappa (From fame to chaos: the legacy of Frank Zappa)
By Ramón Muniz, pp 112-113

O ilustrador Ramón Muniz caiu de paraquedas na vida de Dweezil Zappa, o filho do genial guitarrista Frank Zappa, uma das maiores lendas do rock. Depois de passar pelo céu, enxergou o inferno que ronda a família do mestre.
Illustrator Ramón Muniz fell as a parachute into the life of Dweezil Zappa, the son of great guitarist Frank Zappa, one of rock's greatest legends. After passing through the sky, he saw the hell that surrounds the family of the master  

Source: Ramón Muniz