Tylko Rock


Tylko Rock [only rock] was the most important Polish rock music magazine. Published 1991-2002, in total 134 issues. Teraz Rock [rock now], Polish rock magazine founded in 2003 is basically a continuation of Tylko Rock, as most of the editorial staff is the same.

1991 September

No. 1 Issue 1


Frank Zappa: Best Band You Never Heard In Your Life (review)
By Wiesław Weiss, pp 62-63

Source: docer.pl


1992 May

No. 5 Issue 9


Kraj Rad: Captain Beefheart
By Wiesław Weiss, p 57

Source: archive.org


1992 September

No. 9 Issue 13


Pracowity tyran [hard-working tyrant]
By Wojciech Tomkiewicz, pp 15-16



1994 March

No. 3 Issue 31


Frank Zappa: Wielki gadula [great talker]
By Artur Łobanowski, pp 15-16

1996 December

No. 12 Issue 64

Diabeł [devil]
By Krzysztof Celinski, p 48

Frank Zappa: Widmo wolności [the phantom of liberty]
By Robert Sankowski, Wiesław Weiss, pp 49-64