

Superlove, a Danish monthly hippie and underground magazine, was published in 1968-1970, in a total of 34 issues. Editor-in chief was Aussie George Streeton. The three first issues were published in 1967 as Love. (wikipedia)

1968 April

No. 6


The Mothers
By ?, p 9


Beside "The Mothers" article on page 9 this issue includes "Captain Beefheart" article on page 7 and Superzap comics on page 2.


Source: Ton van Mierle


1968 May

No. 7


Frank Zappa Interview
By Anna Maria Stramese, pp 8-9


On pages 8 and 9 is a translation of the interview published in Underground Digest, March 1968.

Additionally, on page 13 are some short news on The Mothers.


Source: slime.oofytv.set


1968 November

No. 13


By JF, p 15


  Som symbol på en oprørsk ungdom har Frank Zappa og dermed Mothers of Invention længe været brugbart, men efterhånden er det åbenbart, at Frank Zappa er blevet låst fast i sin egen kontroversielle holdning. Ved den nyligt afholdte koncert i København stod det helt klart, at Frank Zappas oprør ikke er naturligt forbundet med den musik, han benytter sig af. Der er ingen oprørsk livsholdning udtrykt gennem musikken.

Frank Zappas holdning er intellektuel-ideologisk og demonstreres ved en rækko "provokerende" attituder, som i den intellektuelle Mothers-menighed er vedtaget effektfulde.Den seksuelle frihed, Mothers vil udtrykke, bliver således ikke en naturlig illustration af en livsopfattelse, men blot en leg med det frække eller forbudte. Dette kan kun bevirke, at Mothers-tilhængernes meninger bliver bekræftet og at dem Mothers angriber bliver bestyrket i deres fordomme, fordi de ikke gider tage det alvorligt.

Mothers musik, dvs. gruppens lange instrumentalstykker, står helt adskilt fra attituderne og kan interessere, fordi det er originale, velgennemspillede kompositioner. Men et engagement i det,de fremfører savnes hos Mothers, fordi et sådant må til for at lytteren virkelig kan engagere sig.

Automatic translation: As a symbol of a rebellious youth, Frank Zappa and thus Mothers of Invention has long been useful, but gradually it is obvious that Frank Zappa has been locked into his own controversial stance. At the recently held concert in Copenhagen, it was quite clear that Frank Zappa's rebellion is not naturally connected with the music he uses. There is no rebellious attitude to life expressed through music.

Frank Zappa's attitude is intellectual-ideological and is demonstrated by a series of "provocative" attitudes, which in the intellectual Mothers congregation have been adopted effective. The sexual freedom that Mothers will express thus does not become a natural illustration of a perception of life, but merely a play with the naughty or forbidden. This can only cause the opinions of the Mothers 'supporters to be confirmed and those of the Mothers' attackers to be strengthened in their prejudices because they do not bother to take it seriously.

Mother's music, ie. the group's long instrumental pieces, are completely separate from the attitudes and may be of interest because they are original, well-played compositions. But a commitment to what they perform is missing in Mothers, because such a thing is necessary for the listener to really engage.


Source: slime.oofytv.set


1969 April

No.  18




Source: slime.oofytv.set


1969 August

No.  22


By Dick Lawson, pp 5, 15


The interview on pages 5 and 15 is "Zigzag Unzips Zappa", Zigzag, July 1969.


Source: slime.oofytv.set


1970 March

No.  34


By Peter Ørting, p 5


The very last issue of Superlove. Most part of the article "Mothers" is about Burnt Weeny Sandwich


Source: slime.oofytv.set