Melodie & Rhythmus


Launched in 1957 as a dance and entertainment magazine in DDR. Was very popular magazine in the whole East Block. Discontinued in 1991. Reappeared as quarterly and bimonthly for 9 issues between 2004 and January 2006. Starting from June 2006 running again as a countercultural monthly magazine.

1988 December

No. 12


Zurück zur Gitarre (Back to the guitar)
By Jürgen Balitzki, p 18



1990 December

No. 12


Zappa wird fünfzig (Zappa is 50 years old)
By Jimi Wunderlich, p 3


Source: slime.oofytv.set 


2014 May

No. 5


Ein etwas anderes Volksfest (A somewhat different festival)
By Ulrich Grunert, p 7

By Ben Watson, pp 23-25

Article by Ulrich Grunert is on Zappanale 25.

Ben Watson of Association Of Musical Marxists (London) encourages people to think again about pop music, to disregard sales figures and celebrities and to turn to the unconscious of the cultural industry.




2016 January

No. 1


Ein Blick aufs utopische Kollektiv (A look at the utopian collective)
By Ben Watson, pp 82-83

Roxy - The Movie reviewed by Ben Watson.